LIC 9239 EBSH - Entrance Checklist - Enhanced Behavioral Supports Homes
The LIC 9239 EBSH form is an entrance checklist specifically designed for Enhanced Behavioral Supports Homes (EBSHs) within the California Department of Social Services. This checklist is utilized when individuals or families apply for admission to an EBSH or when a new resident is admitted.
LIC 9239 TrSCF - Entrance Checklist - Transitional Shelter Care Facility
The LIC 9239 TrSCF form is an entrance checklist used by Transitional Shelter Care Facilities (TrSCFs) in California. This checklist is employed during the admission process for individuals or families seeking entry into a TrSCF.
LIC 610E - Emergency Disaster Plan For Residential Care Facilities For The Elderly
Form LIC 610E is an emergency disaster plan specifically tailored for Residential Care Facilities for the Elderly (RCFE) in California.
LIC 610D - Emergency Disaster Plan For Adult Day Programs, Adult Residential Facilities, Residential Care Facilities For The Chronically Ill And Social Rehabilitation Facilities
Form LIC 610D is an emergency disaster plan specifically designed for Adult Day Programs, Adult Residential Facilities, Residential Care Facilities for the Chronically Ill, and Social Rehabilitation Facilities in California.
LIC 610A - Emergency Disaster Plan For Family Child Care Homes
Form LIC 610A is an emergency disaster plan specific to family child care homes in California. The form is completed by the home operator and outlines procedures and protocols to address potential emergencies or disasters, such as natural disasters, fires, or medical emergencies.
LIC 613C - Personal Rights Of Residents In Publicly Operated Residential Care Facilities For The Elderly
Form LIC 613C is used to inform residents of their personal rights in publicly operated residential care facilities for the elderly in California.
LIC 613B - Personal Rights Childrents Residential Facilities
Form LIC 613B is used to outline the personal rights of children residing in residential care facilities in California.
LIC 613C-2 - Personal Rights Of Residents In Privately Operated Residential Care Facilities For The Elderly
Form LIC 613C-2 is used to inform residents of their personal rights in privately operated residential care facilities for the elderly in California.
LIC 622 - Centrally Stored Medication And Destruction Record
Form LIC 622 is used to document centrally stored medication and its destruction in licensed facilities in California.
LIC 9239 CTF - Entrance Checklist Community Treatment Facility
The LIC 9239 CTF form is an entrance checklist employed by Community Treatment Facilities (CTFs) in California. This checklist is used when individuals or families apply for admission to a CTF or when a new resident is admitted.