LIC 281 - Application Instructions for A Facility License

LIC 281 - Application Instructions for A Facility License

Form LIC 281 provides detailed instructions for individuals or organizations applying for a facility license in California.

LIC 281A - License Application And Instructions For Child Care Centers

LIC 281A - License Application And Instructions For Child Care Centers

Form LIC 281A is an application form accompanied by instructions specifically designed for individuals or organizations applying for a license to operate a child care center in California.

LIC 281D - Application And Supporting Documentation Checklist Foster Family Agency

LIC 281D - Application And Supporting Documentation Checklist Foster Family Agency

Form LIC 281D is an application form used by individuals or organizations applying for a license to operate a foster family agency in California.

LIC 281E Application And Supporting documentation Checklist Short - Term Residential Therapeutic Program

LIC 281E Application And Supporting documentation Checklist Short - Term Residential Therapeutic Program

Form LIC 281E is an application form used by individuals or organizations applying for a license to operate a short-term residential therapeutic program in California.

LIC 606 - Residential Care Facility For The Elderly Disclosure Worksheet

LIC 606 - Residential Care Facility For The Elderly Disclosure Worksheet

Form LIC 606 is a disclosure worksheet specific to Residential Care Facilities for the Elderly (RCFE) in California. The form is completed by facility operators and serves as a checklist to ensure compliance with disclosure requirements mandated by licensing regulations.