TxDMV VTR-999 - Application for Specialty License Plates

TxDMV VTR-999 - Application for Specialty License Plates

Form VTR-999 is an Application for Specialty License Plates issued by the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV). This form is used by vehicle owners to apply for specialty license plates that represent specific organizations, causes, or themes. The purpose of this form is to provide vehicle owners with an opportunity to have specialty license plates that align with their interests or show support for certain causes. The parties involved in this form are the vehicle owners applying for the specialty license plates and the TxDMV, which processes the application and issues the plates.

The form consists of sections where the vehicle owner provides essential information about themselves and their vehicle, including selecting the design of the specialty license plate from available options. Some specialty license plates may require proof of eligibility, such as military service or membership in a specific organization. Once the form is completed and submitted to the TxDMV, the application is reviewed, and if approved, the specialty license plates are issued. This form is significant for providing vehicle owners with an opportunity to express their interests or support for various causes through specialty license plates.