Forms and documents

PUB 428 В - It's Your Money - В Get It - The State and Federal Earned Income Tax Credit

PUB 428 В - It's Your Money - В Get It - The State and Federal Earned Income Tax Credit

Form PUB 428 serves as an informational guide about the State and Federal Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) program in California. It provides detailed explanations of the eligibility criteria, steps to claim the EITC, and the potential benefits individuals may receive through this tax credit.

PUB 428A - Client Needs Survey

PUB 428A - Client Needs Survey

Form PUB 428A is a survey designed by the California Department of Social Services to gather detailed information about the needs and preferences of its clients.

PUB 429 В - California EITC is Here! Claim Your 2022 State And Federal Credits - You Earned It - It's Your Money

PUB 429 В - California EITC is Here! Claim Your 2022 State And Federal Credits - You Earned It - It's Your Money

Form PUB 429 provides detailed information and instructions for individuals in California to claim their 2022 State and Federal Earned Income Tax Credits (EITC). It outlines the eligibility criteria, required documentation, and steps involved in claiming the EITC.

PUB 438 - В TrustLine Parent Pamphlet

PUB 438 - В TrustLine Parent Pamphlet

PUB 438 is a pamphlet specifically designed for parents and guardians in California. It provides detailed information about TrustLine, a database containing background check information on in-home caregivers.

PUB 439 - License Exempt Provider Pamphlet

PUB 439 - License Exempt Provider Pamphlet

PUB 439 is a pamphlet that provides detailed information for parents and guardians in California who are considering utilizing the services of a license-exempt child care provider.

PUB 456 - Important Information For Relatives Pamphlet

PUB 456 - Important Information For Relatives Pamphlet

Form PUB 456 is a pamphlet that provides important information for relatives who are involved in or considering the care of a child under the purview of the California Department of Social Services.

PUB 461 - Join The California Department of Social Services Volunteer Emergency Services Team

PUB 461 - Join The California Department of Social Services Volunteer Emergency Services Team

Form PUB 461 is an invitation and informational flyer that encourages individuals to join the Volunteer Emergency Services Team (VEST) of the California Department of Social Services.

PUB 472 - Parent Appeal Information Pamphlet

PUB 472 - Parent Appeal Information Pamphlet

Form PUB 472 serves as an informative pamphlet that provides guidance and instructions to parents regarding the appeal process in relation to decisions made by the California Department of Social Services.

PUB 470 - Your Rights Under Adult Protective Services

PUB 470 - Your Rights Under Adult Protective Services

Form PUB 470 is a comprehensive guide that outlines the rights of individuals under the purview of Adult Protective Services (APS) in California. The form covers the rights and protections afforded to vulnerable adults who may be at risk of abuse, neglect, or exploitation.

PUB 468 - Approved Relative Caregivers Funding Option Program

PUB 468 - Approved Relative Caregivers Funding Option Program

Form PUB 468 provides detailed information about the Approved Relative Caregivers Funding Option Program in California. The form explains the eligibility criteria, application process, and benefits available through this program.