TxDMV VTR-270 - Vehicle Identification Number Certification

TxDMV VTR-270 - Vehicle Identification Number Certification

Form VTR-270 is a Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) Certification issued by the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV). This form is used to verify the correct VIN on a motor vehicle when there is a discrepancy or the VIN plate is missing or damaged. The purpose of this form is to ensure that the vehicle's VIN is accurately recorded in the TxDMV's records and matches the actual vehicle. The parties involved in this form are the vehicle owner or seller, who provides the vehicle for inspection, and the TxDMV, which verifies and records the correct VIN based on the inspection.

The form consists of sections where the inspector provides essential information about the vehicle, including the current VIN, the correct VIN if available, and any relevant details about the vehicle's identification. The inspector must also sign the form to certify the accuracy of the provided information. Once the form is completed and signed, it is submitted to the TxDMV, where the correct VIN is recorded in the vehicle's records. This form is important for maintaining accurate and reliable information about a vehicle's identification, preventing fraud or errors related to the VIN, and ensuring the vehicle's proper identification and registration.